As soon as I went and blabbed about our nice weather and sunny skies…
…it started to wind and rain and blow like a hurricane.
But I am still happy and toasty, toasty, as whenever it gets wet, I get to wear these:
Aren’t these JUST THE CUTEST? I have been known to pray for rain just so I can legitimately wear them. You will also be very proud to know that I bought them at Costco, AKA My Happy Place or the Best Place on Earth, or the Land of the Great Deal, or the Home of my Frugal Heart…. I’m still working on my AKA skills. Stay tuned.
Guess what I’m going to start working on as soon as it stops blowing and raining and I stop being so busy and important?
Planting these beauties on our back deck.
We bought them on Sunday at the Farmer’s Market, and, just like every time the sun peeks out, I have started flirting with fantasies about being a great gardener and having a healthy jungle outside our house. Don’t worry, I give these about poor babies 60 days before I manage to somehow kill them. Maybe they’ll live, though, as the tomato plant that been gasping and shivering in the neglected corner of the deck since about last August produced a beautiful tomato last week. So, you never know, hope springs eternal and all that jazz.
Three things:
I have to go to a business meeting now. I’m wearing dark-brown speckled high-waisted trousers, that I LOVE. I want a refill of Diet Coke.
Bye ’til next time!
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