My dears, I got very long-winded in the last magazine piece I’ve been writing, and was pretty sure that I was being really ridiculous and English-major-y (no offense, fellow JMC
My dears, I got very long-winded in the last magazine piece I’ve been writing, and was pretty sure that I was being really ridiculous and English-major-y (no offense, fellow JMC
You guys all know I care deeply about politics. I’m one of these annoying people who actually still believes that my ELECTED representatives should listen to my concerns – you
Or should you? I WON my first-ever writing contest! I’ve entered so many of these things, and this is my first time to actually be selected. SMILEY! Granted, it’s only
A few things have happened lately to make me feel crazy in this whole writing/horses/following my bliss career move I’ve settled on. I don’t feel like a good writer, a
There’s more to us than we think. Through my stutters and stumbles, may something else shine through.
Please disregard if you have better things to do. However, I thought you all should know that I’m going to a store besides the grocery store and this is very
Sometimes I need to turn everything off and just think for myself.
I loved Up. It was funny, touching, and truthful in ways you don’t expect from a cartoon. I only cried about twice eight times, but I laughed considerably more. So
This video says it all. [youtube=]
Part 1 is HERE. One night, around midnight, campers were tucked in their bunks and the whole ranch was peaceful, taking time to itself after a long day. The only