Yesterday, I’m trying to get Wee Cowgirl to ask her horse to walk. She keeps insisting that the correct word is “go” and I insist on “walk”. Finally, she looks
Seriously. What more needs to be said? When my September issue of Vogue appeared in my woefully inadequate mailbox (yes, the fall issue is what I lovingly call “the CostCo
On Saturday, the Girls were laying on the sand, getting super tan and sexy, while the Boys stood a ways off and talked masculine things and watched the waves. Apparently
So yesterday, I was working on Clark (my hard-working lappy) (his Hard Drive is the Fortress of Barnitude and the thumb drive is Sneaky Pete, for any of you Smallville
(Valerie’s right. I should hate it here, and sometimes I kinda do. But mostly I love living in the O.C., and since I would rather focus on love than hate,
When I lived with Wrangler Ami, both of us were a bit jumpy, and we would regularly squeak at each other coming out of bathrooms and other scary places. When
My dear friend Katie wrote a great post the other day on missing herself in a certain place, and on “becoming a camera” in order to capture each place in
Hi horseys! I mean, hi kiddos! I mean, HI ADULTS! Wow, it’s nice to talk to someone who doesn’t have four hooves or who doesn’t need me for EVERYTHING. So,