This weekend, my husband and I are going camping. Yahoo! This is something that we have wanted to do (just us) since, oh, roughly three months after we started dating,
…but it’s much more complicated than I thought. To write about it, anyways. Yesterday I wrote a description of a running horse herd in an open pasture and found myself
Today is a Day of Jubilee. Because today, our downstairs neighbors moved out. Remember them? The ones who pounded on our door when we moved furniture and yelled at my
For waking up next to the love of my life EVERY DAY. It’s like Christmas every morning! For pictures on Facebook For good, fresh-ground coffee every morning, made by my
Oh my everything. We’re married. No, seriously. Adam and I got married. Remember, the planning? The sparkles? The tumbly who got tied up in knots of butterflies? The hunting for
Or, rather, a very tight knot with butterflies flittering around it, totally carefree of the impact this makes on my already agitated insides. My dress is hanging in Donna’s closet.
Editor’s note: Sorry for the rambling nature of this post, I just started writing without a topic in mind and this is what came. Now you know what I think
Will, our awesome wedding photographer, wanted to give us some engagement shots and they are so cool! We wound up in a super-random bit of woodsiness, but it was super
I’ve been reading Mandy Thompson’s blog for a while, and she left this question a couple of nights ago, which I’ve since been pondering. Since I’m living sort of in