Adam and I have been swimming several times a week this summer (in keeping with my manifesto, huzzah!) and it’s been really wonderful for me. Swimming laps is one of
Adam and I have been swimming several times a week this summer (in keeping with my manifesto, huzzah!) and it’s been really wonderful for me. Swimming laps is one of
My handsome hubby and I had plans to go on a long kayaking trip over the 4th of July, but soon realized that our preferred destination might be a teensy
I’ve decided to add a new feature to this here bloggy, and review the state parks that my Hubs and I traipse around on the weekends. This blog has a
Adam was off at a “Weekend of Adventure” (aka Men’s Retreat with dudes from church, where hikes were taken, poker was played and Dudes were very Dudely) this weekend, so
I love America! I love farm boys. I love breezes and the great outdoors and sunrises and laughter and home videos. There is always hope.
…and it’s easy to see why.Our friends Stephen and Hilary have also recently been bitten by the kayaking bug. Specifically, Stephen has been bitten by the “hey Adam you should
You might remember a very long time ago when I bought Louise, my sunshiney ocean kayak. Adam and I have gone on numerous adventures with Thelma (his kayak) and Louise
I know, I know. I’m always stealing stuff from my endlessly generous friend Katie, but what can I say? She’s a more consistent blogger than I and I need prompts,
This year for Memorial Day, Adam and I took off for the Pacific Northwest. We’d found cheap flights a while back and decided that this was our chance to hike,
I promised myself I would write about something of value today, something besides marketing-speak or Facebook-talk or blather about Tabatha Takes Over and how everyone who’s ever thought about running