Oh my everything. We’re married. No, seriously. Adam and I got married. Remember, the planning? The sparkles? The tumbly who got tied up in knots of butterflies? The hunting for
Oh my everything. We’re married. No, seriously. Adam and I got married. Remember, the planning? The sparkles? The tumbly who got tied up in knots of butterflies? The hunting for
Or, rather, a very tight knot with butterflies flittering around it, totally carefree of the impact this makes on my already agitated insides. My dress is hanging in Donna’s closet.
Remember the White Rabbit? He was very late to somewhere, and rather frantic about it – even though, what can a little forest rodent with a broken watch really be
I always forget to wear earrings. Most of the time I just leave little hoopies in that I can just forget about, but occasionally I get on a femininity kick
Never thought I would say this, but thanks, Elton John. Had an awesome weekend. More to come on that, but let me say that I am constantly amazed at the
Fitted is a weird word. Fitted. Fitted. Fittem. Fittest. Fittie. See? It just gets more weird the more you say it. Anyways, on to why I’m thinking about fitting in
Sometimes, planning a wedding feels like the hardest possible thing you could choose to do with ALL your spare time. It’s not so much the wedding itself that’s tough (who
All the bridesmaidies are getting sweet ‘dos today, a fact that mystifies the men-folk in our lives. Adam was leaving the Rehearsal Dinner last night, knowing that I wouldn’t see
I am. I am totally, completely, utterly, 100% WHELMED. I am tired of answering questions, I am tired of getting up early, I am tired of to-do lists, I am
Living in the OC, we get used to being harangued. We are honked at, swerved by and gestured wildly towards on the road, ignored in check-out lines and summarily dismissed