Ala Jack Bauer. Except I answered these of my own free will. Pathetic, I know. Are you going away for Christmas? Oregon! Holla! What are you expecting for Christmas? Snow?
Ala Jack Bauer. Except I answered these of my own free will. Pathetic, I know. Are you going away for Christmas? Oregon! Holla! What are you expecting for Christmas? Snow?
Tired Sunshiney Crock-pot Horses Hope
Hello, my friends. The last time I talked to you I was 25 years old. Now I am 26. Let that sink in a moment. Nearer to 30 than 20.
It’s raining today and I am blissfully aware of how awesome rainy days are. I’ve been making tortilla soup and Christmas cookies, putting together gifts and writing bits of nothing.
My nose is snotting. Like, serious green biznass. I know that’s really what you wanted to read about, but… I have no energy to do otherwise. Today I cleaned the
[youtube=] Dear Kay Jewelers, Even I (a self-avowed emotional cripple who regularly cries at Mastercard commercials) cannot stand your grossly overstated attempts at capturing romantic depth. Please stop, because it’s
First off, it’s funny that awesomely bad tales of my ineptitude at life are my blogging “bestsellers” if comments were cash and all of you faithful readers were reviewers. (For
So I recently decided that I was pregnant. Apparently when you worry as much as I do, you make yourself sick and then assume that you’re procreating instead of just
Hi there boys and girls! I’m busy. What’s that? Why am I here, blabbing, when I have paid blogs to write and a NaNoWriMo project that I’m woefully behind on?
Remember how I was feeling all stressed and crazy and completely incapable of rational thought? Well, that last part hasn’t really changed, but the stress and the crazy is greatly