Gussy Sews’ Inspiration Workshop: Spend the Day Playing
It’s been a rough couple of weeks. I’ve been SO busy, and all I can think about is playing instead of working and it really is kindof tortuous. So when Gussy‘s prompt came up about “spending the day playing”, all I could think about is how I want to play this summer. I started getting a little grouchy (insert little-kid whine: “but I want to play NOW!”) until I realized that playing isn’t much fun unless you’ve earned it. A great weekend off is only great if you’ve had a week on, ya know? So, grouchy face begone, I’m going to keep working hard so that I can take Louise out for a paddle or my hubby out to dinner and feel satisfied by my time, on and off the clock. Good pep-talk, Self, I feel inspired.
Anywho, I bought Louise, my lovely Hobie ocean kayak a few years ago (that’s me and her on our maiden voyage, above) and I adore her. Adam and I love to spend weekend mornings fishing, paddling, spitting sunflower seeds and lazing around on the water, and this fourth of July we’re even going down the Colorado River on kayaks! I know, right? I really am the luckiest girl – despite being SO busy, our play time is pure gold.
I’m so excited to earn some fabulous play this summer… long hikes, bar-be-ques and beach days with friends, the woods, salty ocean-water kisses, sun tans, girl-talk, big burgers and cold beers.

It’s going to be a great summer, and I can’t wait to work hard and play hard. How are you balancing working and playing this summer?
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