Hiking the NaPali Coast – it really doesn’t get much better than this.
OK, I know, I’ve been going ON and ON about my vacation, but I’ll be honest, I’m kindof trying to relive it a little. Ever since we got back, life has been off-the-chain CRAY-ZAY (a little Shawn Stockman lingo for you) and now it’s almost Thanksgiving and Christmas is coming and oh-my-gosh I haven’t even made a fall soup yet or drank my new hot cocoa mix, because I’m never HOME to do so, and I might just spend the entire holiday season trapped in my car eating fast food and weeping to Michael Buble’s “I’ll be Home for Christmas” because I don’t remember the last time I sat on my couch and I want go home and make a wreath and roast a chicken but that’s kindof hard to do while sitting in traffic.
So you can see why I might want to relive vacation, just a titch.
We went for an 11-mile trek down the NaPali coast, and there was almost no one else out there, a near miracle in Hawaii. It was secluded and breath-taking and really, really steep. When on hikes, to distract myself from my aching thighs and burning calves, I like to pose with the local flora:

Adam also likes to pose with the local scenery, but he doesn’t look as happy about it.

Even though we had already made it to the coast, we had a lot further to go. A lot of hills were included in that…

But, after all that work, we got another amazing view.

After our long and awesome hike, we got Shaved Ice on the way home, and a killer seafood dinner that night… and I am telling you WHAT, that is LIVING, none of this sitting-in-traffic-eating-stale-pretzels stuff.
*look at more pictures, dream of pineapples*