humdrum and YAHOO!
This is the humdrum of life:
I can hear seals ar-ar-ar-ing somewhere on the water. The guy next door has been drilling loudly on something very hard for about a month now, he’s at it again today. I troll the internet for blogging/design/writing opps, throw myself at any that seem appropriate, turn on some music for inspiration. I tried to make Cuban chicken in the Crock-Pot this morning. I’m kind of sad that Prison Break is over, no matter how predictable it may have become. The guys at Adam’s work love my muffin-baking skillz. Adam took a “tip jar” with the muffins and to my shock they actually gave me change and some mints. I like getting paid for things I love to do. Sharing muffins, teaching kids to ride, making pretty things, writing. Not that change and mints pay for the muffins, but it is nice to be appreciated. I love that the Internet has made talking to my besties easier. I have recently become a Glenn Beck fan. I love his concept of the “9/12 project” – that the day after 9/11 we were not Republicans or Democrats or black or white, we were Americans. I think a lot of people want that. I cut and colored my hair on Tuesday, it’s short. Like really short. I haven’t tried it curly yet. It might get crazy. Speaking of, I think I need to learn how to straighten my own hair. I love that Adam likes my short hair. I also love that he comes home for lunch almost every day and is so happy to see me, so proud of me whenever I succeed, so understanding when I need him to listen. I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this lately, but I really love him. A lot. It’s grey again today, and I am aching for sunshine. I love that we have an inviting house and both enjoy having people over for any reason.
You see how humdrum goes. Lovely, but still very pedestrian, sweet kisses in with hot dinners and dirty socks. Then, in the middle of my lovely humdrum, something happens which is oh-so-YAHOO-worthy…
…like my Julie getting engaged.

I only hope that I can be as gorgeous and supportive a bridesmaid and as dear a friend as you have been to me, my dear. This picture still brings tears to my eyes, when I think of how completely my girls have upheld me, sending me off to a new life with tears in their eyes but joy in their hearts.
Now it’s her turn. JOY and YAHOO!
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