Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

I have five minutes. Instead of brushing my teeth or taking Advil, I’m doing this.

What color best describes your personality and why?

Green. Actually, I don’t know if it describes my personality at all, but it’s my favorite color and reminds me of growing things and trees and elves, so maybe that means something, although with my broad swimmer’s shoulders I’m certainly not an elf.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Wishful. Worrywart. Wench.

If you had a t-shirt that could say anything (as in printed on it), what would it say?

Lipstick Republican? No, I get the finger for having that on my car. ummmm… something that won’t get me the finger. Like an Ewok.

Complete the sentence: The last thing that ever crossed my mind was ___.

Ever? Like my last thoughts on Earth or just now? I’m gonna go with just now. Just now I’m thinking that I need to deposit my check, brine my pork chops and put on boots so I can skeedaddle to the ranch to do horsey stuff with my kiddos. Yes, I’m a walking to-do list, hence the lack of blogging lately.

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

Faith. It’s not a superpower, technically, but I could sure use some. Isn’t there a kids show from Focus on the Family about “FaithMan” or something?  As long as I get to wear a cute suit and be adorable, ala ElastiGirl, I’m in.