Saturday List
- Today I got my hair did. Valerie told me to get with technology already, so I took this picture of myself.
- My honey has been doing this for the last 36 hours.
- I’m very proud, although I am a little nervous about the quantities of food he’ll want when he gets home tonight.
- I’ve had a sinus infection for the last couple of days, and today I think I finally am starting to beat it. I can breathe out of my right nostril now, but my right ear seems to be laboring under the delusion that I am 10 feet under water.
- Today Ann Taylor and Banana Republic were having sales, so naturally I had to stop in, for research purposes.
- Much research was done, let me tell you.
- Although on second thought, some of it might be bogus and need to be sent back to the source.
- Inland it’s warm and feels like summer. Here at the beach, it’s about 40 degrees colder and foggy. I had dreams of suntans…
- Sometimes I feel like the universe is laughing at me and my white legs.
- Until Adam gets home, I think I should do some research into red wine and a good book.
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