Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

The Attack of the ADD

You guys, I have been trying to write about things, and do bidness, and sound coherent for HOURS now, and I just keep reading blogs and watching YouTube videos and checking Facebook and walking outside and back inside and oh, hey, I wonder if I should Podcast! I’ve never done that! While my to-do list is eleventy-billion miles long is a great time to research a new venture, don’t you think?

I’m exhausted by my own dang self.

Today I drank a glass of “Good Belly” juice. It’s supposed to help with digestion, I think because it increases giggling on the part of the drinker.

Tax time is upon us, which means that I will sweating, cursing and pretending like I might do math for the next month or so.

We just finished the first season of Friday Night Lights, and I’m totally a believer. It helps that Adam and I both love Texas, but holy cow, this show is fabulous.

This weekend, Baby Do turns one! How time flies.

Me and Baby Do at less than one day old.

Baby Do is not the only thing that has grown since that picture was taken. In more self-absorbed news, my hair is lots longer now and I’m still befuddled by it. I think I talk about my hair more than almost anything, but it continues to be terrible. I’m a bad-hair angst addict.

My other blog just got accepted into the BlogHer network! Whoop-de-doo!

I’m re-reading Jane Eyre for what must be the millionth time. I love the language and the candor and the steadfastness of Jane’s character. It’s really a beautiful book.

OK, dearies, that’s all. My ADD is kicking in again and I think it’s time to walk outside and berate myself for not getting more things done.


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