Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

The last 12 days

I know, I know. I have not been here in 12 days, a fact that is as distressing to me as I’m sure it is to you, my Internet-peeps.  Or maybe you’re relieved that you have no more pointless babblings clogging your Google Reader, and are sighing over this latest bit of blather… but either way I’ve missed this here spot, and plan to be much more faithful about filling it… with more blather.

Whew. That was great to get off my chest.

Anyhoodle, in the last 12 days, I’ve done the bridesmaid-shebang with pizazz (if I daresay so myself) eaten the best pancakes of my life, fallen in love with Nashville, remembered how much I love my Roommates, chopped my hair off, went to the Grand Ole Opry, marveled at fall color, wore scarves, met my blog-friend AP in the flesh, hung out with some of my faves, bawled my eyes out at a House 9 tradition being passed on, got wowed by Southern cooking, danced with my love in a genuine Honky-Tonk bar, and grinned until I thought my face would fall off.

It’s been a good break. Now I’m home, my hands are still dusty with brownish-red horsey-arena dirt, the sun is setting over the Pacific, my husband is whistling and making pasta, something he figured out how to do while I was away and now I’m putting to good use. Gosh I’m blessed.

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