I don’t give myself credit for wanting to be pretty, or if I do, I blow it off as a foolish fancy, something I will never achieve. Sure, I like fashion and I dabble around the edges of shopping and style, but I’m a hopeless case when it comes to hair and makeup (I either never get it right or forget to do it altogether) and I’m not one of those “oh-this-ole-thing? I just threw on my boyfriend’s t-shirt and I look fabulous” kind of people. I know that some of you are those kind of people because I know you personally and you always look great. I also kinda sorta hate you a little bit.
Yesterday in a fit of, “I hate my hair I look tired I feel fat AHHHHH girl emotions and first-world problems are so hard” I stomped off to get my hair cut. All my life I have struggled with my hair (would you like a frizzy glob of cotton candy on YOUR head? I didn’t think so.) but ever since I cut it after Adam and I got married I have swung wildly between loving it (a first for me) and despising everything about it from the depths of my soul, which might have been a WEE bit stronger than I’d felt about it before.
Now I’m trying to grow it back out, and my last few hair appointments have left me frustrated, to say the least. I want to be able to straighten it without it looking like a helmet, or go curly without globs of hair sticking out in all directions. I want layers without bangs, body without frizz. But every stylist so far has given me cuts that continue in the one-length tradition while only making me briefly FEEL like it was closer to what I wanted, so that I don’t hate it until I get home.
In case you’re looking at your watch and wondering if it’s really possible to ramble about my hair for three more paragraphs and if maybe you have better things to do, the answer is, yes, I could blah-blah about this lame minutia for DAYS, (it’s called blogging, haha) but since I am kind-hearted I will spare you my groanings and (hair)cut to the chase. (Didja see what I did there? I’m hilarious.)
I finally got the haircut I’ve always wanted… from a salon that I found through a COUPON in a strip mall behind the DMV, of all places. I KNOW.

So there you have it, my hair story. Stay tuned for more riveting updates and tales of mousse gone awry. (Oh, and by the way, I FEEL PRETTY. It’s great. 🙂 )
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