Wowza, Easter Bunny! You’re lookin’ mighty fine these days.
So, you know what the cool thing is about being married?
EVERYTHING. But you knew I would say that. Because my husband is THE BEST and I’m a sap.
You know what the other cool thing is?
So you know what in-laws do?
Yes, my people, you get presents from TWICE as many parents when you’re married, which is straight-up, flat-out awesome.
You know what else is awesome?
My in-laws apparently don’t believe in pedestrian Easter Egg fillings like jelly beans and Peeps (truthfully, I have a very large soft spot for sugar injected with air and covered in more sugar and shaped like a bunny).
Oh no, none of that, delicious though it may be.
The Nichols family fills their Easter baskets with goodies from Austin, Texas and MOOLAH.
Please revel in the picture of me making a fool of myself, because I love presents and snail mail and holidays and Texas:
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